This year has been a challening one for us to get students down to the gym. We have visited the school on several occasions. We have passed out flyers and talked with coaches. Our efforts went untoiced for a few weeks. A big reason for this road block is because we usually get teams down to the gym. 20-40 kids on the football, lacross or basketball team storm the gym. Hit a workout and head out. It is about as chaoitic as you might imagine it to be!
However, as we reflected over the past 8 years of this program. The biggest impacts were made when we had a smaller group. The vidoes do not look as flashy and yes there are less kids through the door. But, we do not get a chance to learn about the kids when there are 30 of them. A huge reflection point on this was when we noticed that kids were not coming back to visit. We have had past members of COSP be the first in their family to go to college and open businesses. This happened because of the impact we were able to have in their lives. The guidance and resources that we want to provide.
This year is about that. Small groups, consistent kids and deep impact. We are pumped to kick off this school year and see our work finally pay off!