We are always looking for ways to help grow our impact! Below are a few ways to get involved!
Tell Stories
We need helping telling the story of Community of Strength Project to more people. If you want to help us produce social media and email newsletter then let us know! This will involve gather stories of kids who are currently at COSP and telling them via social media and email. If you are interested email us COStrengthProject.org.
We are always looking for help to raise more funds for our program. We do not need ideas we need help executing. If you want to jump on board with us to help execute on events, reach out to donors and help develop ways can raise funds email us! COStrengthProject@gmail.com
Every dollar donated goes back into the program and helps us continue growing the impact that we’re able to make with our student base. We are an official 501-c3 so your donate is a tax write off.
What do you get?
-We list all the ambassadors on our website.
-You will get a COSP T-shirt.
-You will receive our annual review letter. We go over where funds are spent, how many workouts we coached and how many kids attended.
Our Ambassadors are MENTORS
Provide career advice and mentorship for a specific C.O.S.P.. student member if they’re interested in pursuing a career similar to yours
Help us spread the word about C.O.S.P. including key messaging about our impact and ways that others can get involved
Annual Ambassador Dinner
All Community of Strength Project ambassadors will be invited to an annual workout and dinner at Industry Athletics where we’ll review the program, progress towards our goals for the year, and where we stand financially.
Interested in Becoming an Ambassador?
What We Do with Donations
Donations made to the Community of Strength Project all go back to our student members. Not all students decide to go to college after high school. Whether it’s a trade, community college, the military, or some other path, C.O.S.P. uses donations to help guide kids towards their next step.
Our program revolves around fitness as the primary catalyst for building a brighter future and also benefits our students by providing the following.
Goal Setting & Accountability Coaching
Leadership Skills
Financial and Emotional Support